Butter knives

Maunsell Studio

From €28

When Tomer invited us to participate in the design of a butter knife, we set ourselves the goal to try and achieve, like all Florentine Kitchen Knives products, a knife of quality, functional, visually attractive and efficient in its production. The result was a knife made of one piece of AISI 316 stainless steel, cut, bent and matt polished. It is neither a decorative object nor a work of art. It's a tool, functions as a knife and it’s form is self-explanatory.

Skye Maunsell founded Skye Maunsell Studio in 2015 in Barcelona, specializing in interior and product design projects nationally and internationally. Her work currently focuses on residential and commercial interior design and is characterized by her special attention to context, functionality and the elegance of the simple. Jordi Veciana graduated as a product designer in Barcelona, began his career working at the Vignelli Associates studio in New York and later founded his own studio in Barcelona in 2005. His career is characterised by projects within lighting design, products and interior design. Currently he and his partner Skye Maunsell collaborate on architectural and interior design projects.

Adam Johnston


This butter knife is made from a single material: porcelain. A rarely-used material for this typology but one that is widely used in tableware and also present in some kitchen knives. It is fired at a high temperature and is naturally non-porous which makes for smooth serving and easy cleaning. With a deliberately soft shape, it takes some formal cues from traditional butter knives, therefore signalling to its intended purpose.

Adam Johnston is a Scottish industrial designer and design consultant based in Barcelona. With clients across multiple countries, an international point of view defines his simple and thoughtful approach to designing everyday objects.

Banzai Turba


Talking about a butter knife, we instantly thought about different types of spatulas, scrapers, and palettes used to apply putty, fillers, or dense paints. We found it interesting not to design a two-part object with a handle and a blade, like a knife, but a monomaterial object with a simple form. We also added different contours to create various textures with the butter and created two playful four piece sets.

Banzai Turba is a product design studio based in Barcelona. We make objects and things with objects.



A simple and sensual object, striped down to its essential function. We arrived at a slightly curved, monoblock knife, inspired by the softness of forms often found in precious mother of pearl and ivory objects. Made out of a single piece of Micarta, the knife is finished by hand and is perfect for spreading butter.

GYMNASIUM Studio is a London-based creative studio. We work with brands, companies and individuals to create thoughtful experiences that last.

Ernest Perera

From €11,85

This project starts discovering the Scotch Hand tool. This was used as butter churned, pressing the butter against the side of the butter tub so that any excess buttermilk liquid forming in the fat pockets of the butter, would be forced out to stiffen the consistency of the butter. The wood tool has several carved lines all over the surface. These useful ones are used on the knife to generate a special way to spread butter. The butter knife is made in brass, a high corrosion resistance material. Also comes with a Iroko wood pad to put the butter. Both pieces are carved by a cnc machine and polished by hand.

Ernest Perera Studio is a design studio that moves between industrial products and artisan objects. Always looking for timelessness, consistency, simplicity and usability in each project. He collaborates with companies such as Camper, Adidas, Lékué, Delica, Ecareyou, Mago Urban, Faro, Almalight, Museu Picasso, Barcelona City Council. In 2006 founded Amor de Madre (Mother’s Love), has been dedicated to design, produce and sell his own designs. Specialised in home objects and those that inhabit it.

Shay Nifusi


A butter knife made of Micarta, a material typically used for knife handles. It incorporates both the handle and the blade into a single, cohesive piece. The material's laminated nature provides a warm feel akin to wood, while having a thin yet durable structure. Upon closer look, the ripples in the Micarta reveal an undertone resembling Damascus steel.

Shay Nifusi is an industrial designer and engineer, from Tel Aviv. His works range from small scale production lines to mass produced devices. Shay's design process is a hands-on exploration of relation between material and shape, and their ultimate balance.

Reto Schneller


A Butter Knife for everyday use, dishwasher safe, stackable for space saving and comfortable in hand with its soft curves. Stamped from blank stainless steel into a pill-shape handle defined by a crafted blade forming an iconic silhouette.

Reto Schneller is an Industrial Designer with a background in Mechanical Engineering amounting a total 12 year professional experience creating products that matter to people and planet, in the right way.

Liora Rosin and Nitsan Debbi

From €100

From the very first days of tool making, bone has been a significant material, Widely used both for practical and symbolic attributes. Hand carved out of cow bone, our milky white knife circles back to the same source as the butter itself. The Bone to butter knife is a homage to the ancient tradition of nose to tail cooking, and to the respectful notion of utilizing and consuming an animal in its entirety.

Studio bet - Founded in 2011 by Nitsan Debbi and Liora Rosin, Studio BET is a Greenhouse for thoughtful objects and tangible ideas. We find great pleasure in translating everyday wonders into matter and shape, by integrating old crafts and modern technology in our work. Honest actions and solid daydreaming leads our way. Liora Rosin (1981) is a designer, researcher, curator specializing in the field of food design, and a tenure lecturer at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design. Nitsan Debbi (1982) is a designer at Naoto Fukasawa Design office, working for worldwide brands and lecturing at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design.

Shira Keret and Itai Laniado


The tool, humanity's first technology, asserted control onto chaos. Our ancestors' primitive hand-axes ordered the world. We still seek to tame the wild into the cultivated. This butter spreader is bone china porcelain. A minimalist slender rectangle gently twisted to blade and handle. Its sprayed texture echoes fossils. Kilned into continuum. From beast bone to cultured ceramic. From the raw to the cooked. From the hunt to the hearth. From bone to bone china.

Shira Keret and Itay Laniado are product designers, graduates of the Industrial Design Department at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. They share a studio, a family and thoughts. They are engaged in creating objects, curating design exhibitions, research and development. Both teach at Bezalel Academy. They exhibit their work in exhibitions, galleries and museums in Israel and around the world and won international and local awards for their work.